Stop Authoritarianism!

Stop Authoritarianism!

Everyone is looking at the AfD as the supposed enemy of democracy. But it is not just the AfD, that is threatening our freedom with its fascist views. Authoritarian ideas are again widespread in society and authoritarian measures are popular among political parties. People believe in strong leaders, who solve social problems and political actors are happy to accept this and try to solve social crises by restricting freedom. 

What means authoritarianism…

We cannot vote fascism out of society!

More than 90 years after power was handed over to Hitler and his supporters in the Weimar Republic, we  are once again confronted with the growing threat of fascism in Germany.

Why can´t we vote fascism out of society …

Today’s security policy is paving the way for tomorrow’s fascism

The security policy in Saxony, Germany and Europe now consists of an extensive architecture of institutions, fences, prisons, police forces, border guards, surveillance systems and databases.

Those security policies threatens our freedom…

More solidarity, less state!

Our society functions according to a capitalist system. This means that everything is geared towards maximizing profits, whether in housing, health, education and, of course, wage labour itself.

How can we change this now?

Direct action instead of party politics.

With state politics people have been separated from constant creation and recreation of their communities. Instead of that, right now a small number of “professionals” represent and take decisions for us, mostly in the favor of profit, misusing the word democracy.

And what are direct actions?