Hey community.

The elections in Saxony are coming… The forecast looks very bad and even malobeo is already affected by it. With the coming elections we are going to lose a big part of financial support and are not going to be able to pay the rent. This means:  

!!malobeo could be forced to shut down in the next months.

Now your financial support is needed.

If you haven’t heard about it – malobeo is a self-organized anarchist library and info-shop in Neustadt, Dresden. It offers its infrastructure for plenaries of different political, such as anti-fascist, feminist/queer, anarchist, etc. collectives. The room is also used for public events like community kitchen, movie screenings, workshops, book clubs, and many more.

This is why especially in these strange and dangerous times places and communities like malobeo are not only important but indispensable.

We want this community and wonderful network to continue. And not only we but the entire city needs this place. Unlike in many other cities in Dresden there is not much left-wing infrastructure and especially in the faceof a possible AfD majority in the regional parliament these spaces are necessary. 

To keep malobeo open for everyone we need your help, the financial kind! 

We want to be independent from any kind of authoritarian, capitalist and state structures and need a regular income from sweet private individuals to pay the rent, internet, electricity and water.

This we want to achieve with long-term donations (standing orders, de.: Dauerauftrag).  We need around 1000€ per month. That’s a lot, but f.ex. 50 people can cover the rent with 20€/month. 


This is how you can support:  

You can set your standing order (de: Dauerauftrag) to: 

Miteinander Dresden e.V.* 

IBAN: DE66500310001076201001 BIC: TRODDEF1 (Triodos Bank)

*malobeo is supported by an association to which you can donate


We thank each of you who has been and will be making malobeo possible <3 (A)


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