Anarchist Network Dresden
We are a network of groups and individuals in Dresden. We share common principles and participate in various struggles in the city.
You can find out more here…

Campaign Stop Authoritarianism!
We are organizing ourselves in a campaign against right-wing and authoritarian tendencies in our society. Join in!

Anarchist Days Dresden 2024
This year the Anarchist Days in Dresden will happen 16.-22.09.2024. An entire week full of program, talks, workshops, vegan food, concerts and anarchy. For programme click here!

To take responsibility
… in our community is important to us. We are part of the Collective Agreement against sexualized violence in Dresden. You can find out more about it here.

We organize various events and actions in Dresden and sometimes elsewhere.
For many years now, we have been organizing the Anarchist 1st of May or the Libertarian Days. Sometimes we just watch a movie together.
Come along to the next event!
Latest information
- Call for solidarity process support on 26.08.On August 26, another person from Heibo has to appear in court. Hopefully for the last time, it will be about §113: “Resistance to law enforcement officers” and once again the course of events leading up to the trial, including the eviction, the threat of imprisonment and untenable charges, has already worn on the nerves.
- 08.06.24 antiauthoritarian-antifaschist block at the Demo #WirSindDieBrandmauerYou cannot vote fascism out of society!
Being an anti-fascist is not an option, but rather a necessity for all those who believe in a just and equal society, without fascism and all other authoritarian ideologies!
We are going together at 08 June 2024 to the demonstration #WirSindDieBrandmauer there will be an antiauthoritarian-antifascist block in… Read more: 08.06.24 antiauthoritarian-antifaschist block at the Demo #WirSindDieBrandmauer
- Anarchist Days in Dresden 2024 – call for participationWe invite you to participate in this years Anarchist Days in Dresden by means of a lecture, workshop, concert or socializing. As anarchists we seem to be lost in the modern time of conflict. Climate disaster, economical exploitation, rise of fascism and wars make activists more confused than ready to act. And event though anarchist… Read more: Anarchist Days in Dresden 2024 – call for participation