Harald is free

It is done! Harald is free! We send a huge thank you to everyone who spread the campaign and supported it in any way. 

In only 7 days solidaric neighbors donated enough money to buy him free from the inhumane prison system. From an exchange of letters it is clear that he and the other prisoners are not doing well there. The prisoners refer to the JVA Bautzen as the „yellow misery“. 

It is all the better that he is now free.

1018 Euros were transferred to the donation account; and at the Soli event in the malobeo another 154 Euros came in cash. That is really really cool <3

It is important for us to emphasize that Harald’s release is only a drop in the bucket. Besides him, many other people are in jail because of the NS paragraph „Erschleichen von Leistung“.

Driving without a ticket is a criminal offense in Germany. Every year, thousands of people end up in jail because they cannot afford tickets for buses and trains. These are almost exclusively poor people. Because they have to serve the debt by substitute imprisonment: a vicious circle that forces people into even more precarious situations and keeps them in them.

That’s why the surplus money will be redirected to the „Freedom Fund“ initiative. An initiative that deals precisely with this problem. With the money then on 15 March 2023 a gigantic prisoner liberation is started: according to your web page „the largest prisoner liberation of the Federal German history.“

We call expressly to imitate!

For more information, please refer to the Dissens podcast „Driving without a ticket: Fond gets free riders out of jail.“ (In german).

Furthermore, an article will soon be published at Alternative Dresden News.

For a solidary neighborhood

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