Anarchist Days in Dresden 2024 – call for participation

We invite you to participate in this years Anarchist Days in Dresden by means of a lecture, workshop, concert or socializing.

As anarchists we seem to be lost in the modern time of conflict. Climate disaster, economical exploitation, rise of fascism and wars make activists more confused than ready to act. And event though anarchist movement continues to grow, it fails to develop comprehensive answers to many different challenges.

On the local level Saxony this year is having another round of elections, that might bring extreme right first time to the power in the federal land since collapse of the Nazi Germany. We are looking at the crisis slowly coming through the elections of the extreme right populists, who reject reality in favor of a lullaby for the working people of so called first world.

This year during Anarchist Days we would like to discuss this and other topics – from local struggles in Dresden and Saxony, to internationalist solidarity. As our struggle knows no border. We are not planning to build up the solution in a week, but we believe that through the event of Anarchist Days we will put another brick in the construction of the anarchist movement in the region and on international level.

Even though our program is getting filled up quite fast, we still call for participation of everybody interested. Please submit your lecture/workshop/discussion before 31 July. The program of the Anarchist Days this year will be ready by the mid-end of August.

There will be also a market at the weekend. If you have a bookstand or something similar that you would like to present, please contact us via the mail below.

With love, rage and anarchy
Anarchist Days Orga Crew

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