Out for May Day in Dresden!

For years we have been living in a state of permanent crisis.

It all started with the COVID pandemic, in which we had to stick together to prevent the collapse of the already overburdened healthcare system. This was followed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the accompanying inflation, which has since driven many people to the edge of their existence.

Although we as a working class have had to make many cuts and have redefined the concept of solidarity, the treadmill of exploitation by capitalism does not stop! Capital continues to put profit interests above those of the people and enriches itself from the crises and wars of the world.

While care workers and wage earners, especially from the critical infrastructure, fear for their existence in times of crisis, capitalists make mega-profits. The concept of solidarity is used as a pretext for lower wages or worse working conditions and is thus devalued.

The same strategy is happening with the war in Ukraine. A large part showed solidarity to support the people fleeing as well as the people that stay, both through donations in goods and through financial means. However, those funds end up especially in the pockets of capitalist actors. In this case in the pockets of the arms industry, which calls for solidarity, but profits from the war!

The workers in Ukraine have to take on a huge burden because of debts incurred in the struggle against Russian imperialism and for their freedom. And this, although they suffer the most from that Russian invasion in Ukraine.

The capitalist market feeds on the lives and labor of wage earners, builds on the oppression and exploitation of the working class, and therefore cannot be a basis for a just World. 

To change the existing conditions, we need the social revolution from below!

Therefore, let us take our struggles to the streets on May 1st, in solidarity and together with all oppressed people all over the world. 

There is no peace under capitalism.
For the social revolution.

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