Rally 24.05: Free Maja! Free Hanna! Freedom for all Antifas!

Rally May 24, 15:00 Robinienhain, JVA Hammerweg

Maja is still in prison in Dresden. But now in extradition custody. This has been ordered by the Berlin Court of Appeal. This means that in the next step, the court will examine whether the prison conditions in Hungary allow Maja to be extradited to Hungary. Maja faces up to 24 years in prison in Hungary under unspeakable conditions.

One of the ways in which the review will take place is for the court in Hungary to ask what they think of the prison conditions – including for queer prisoners. Hungary is then free to comment on this. That is absurd! The authoritarian and radical right-wing Fidesz party under Orban has been in power in Hungary for years and bans queers, antifas and refugees. The regime also pursues an unparalleled historical revisionist cultural policy.

Most recently, Hanna was caught by the cops on May 6 and dragged to the Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe. Hanna is now also threatened with extradition to Hungary.

Once again, Federal Prosecutor General Geilhorn and her cohorts are investigating left-wingers with the utmost severity. We already know their attitude well enough from the Antifa Ost proceedings: anti-communist and deeply reactionary!

We want to prevent their extradition at all costs and put pressure on the authorities and the prison. Maja must not be extradited. Hanna must not be extradited. The decision on their proceedings will also be groundbreaking for all further proceedings!

We demand: No extradition of anti-fascists to Hungary to a court filled with right-wing extremists! Take to the streets against the shift to the right and repression.

We want to show Maja – as we do every month – that we are there and that we stand in solidarity on the other side of the wall and will not leave Maja alone.

So come to the prison in large numbers on Wednesday from 3 to 4 pm and be loud with us!