Ralley – Stop Russian propaganda!

23.05.24 | 6 pm
STROMWERK | Kulturarena Kraftwerk Mitte

(Attention! Place changed!)

On May 23, there will be an event about Russia with Roger Köppel at 7 pm. It is being organized by the AfD-affiliated Mittelstandsforum in STROMWERK | Kulturarena in Kraftwerk Mitte.
After the former Moscow correspondent of ARD 1987-1991 Krone-Schmalz was invited, she will now be replaced by Roger Köppel. Köppel is editor-in-chief of the Swiss newspaper Weltwoche, was at times a politician for the Swiss SVP and also has strong sympathies for Putin.

We support the call to critically accompany this event.
No place for Russian propaganda in Dresden and elsewhere!

Russia is not only waging imperialist wars in Ukraine and in the past in other former Soviet regions. Russia is also supporting wars in Syria, Libya, Sudan, the Central African Republic and Mali. And with the help of publicists such as Krone-Schmalz and Roger Köppel, Russia is also waging a war of disinformation and supporting pro-Russian, often right-wing populist to radical right-wing parties and initiatives in Europe and the USA. Germany is a particular focus.

This year, state elections will be held in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg. Not only is a party that wants to deport millions of people leading in the polls. According to current polls, pro-Russian parties such as AfD, BSW and Free Saxony will win a majority in the state elections.

Nationalism, consumerism and racism are the values that the AfD and other Russia supporters like about the “Russian world”. Values that criminalize queer people, for example, and reject an open and diverse society.

If we don’t stop Russian disinformation and pro-Russian parties, Putin will succeed with his war. The “Russian world” will expand further west and threaten our freedom too!

Come to the rally!