Vergangene Veranstaltungen

Struggle and repressions on polish-belarussian border | presentation [ENG]

Zentralwerk - Kleines Kabinett Riesaer Str. 32, Dresden

No borders activits from poland are talking about struggle and repressions on polish-belarussian border and discuss about anti-invigilation methods used in the field Since 2021 when eastern corridor from Belarus to EU is open, Polish border is a place of permanent human rights violation. We want to present you grassroots struggle against border system and […]

From social democracy to totalitarism, the militarization of northern societies (the french example) | Presentation [ENG]

Zentralwerk - Großer Saal Riesaer Str. 32, Dresden

A talk about police violence and militarization of police on example of France With the liberalization of economy in the 1970s and the defeat of socialist ideologies in the next decade, immediately followed by armed attacks by religious and nationalist groups right across Europe, the northern states rapidly turned inward and militarized. In forty years, […]

Aktuelle Methoden staatlicher Überwachung in Deutschland | Vortrag [DE]

Zentralwerk Riesaer Str. 32, Dresden

Status Quo und mögliche Umgänge aus aktivistischer Perspektive Staatliche Behörden suchen tag täglich neue Mittel und Wege, Personen zu beobachten, abzuhören und zu tracken. Doch was ist eigentlich der aktuelle Stand? Welche “verdeckten Technischen Mittel” befinden sich just in diesem Moment im Einsatz? Wie observieren Cops, wie werden Bewegungsprofile erstellt und wie werden wir abgehört? […]