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Fascsists, bussinessmen and terrorism: three political currents in Czech republic

September 15, 2018 @ 1:45 pm - 3:15 pm CEST

Over last four years in Czech republic we have witnessed a significant growth of openly fascist politicians – with the so-called refugee crisis, right-wing populists took a lot of space in representative political arena, having major politicians like the president of czech republic siding with bigots, that changed their fashion from nazi to patriotic. They strive to win as much sympathies as they can, playing on hysteria, nationalism and a xenophobic santiments. On the other side, we can see a lot of gentrification and rasism based conflicts happening around the country, with several major bussinessmen coming to high positions of power, with an oligarch, owning big production sites and several big media companies, standing in the head of the czech government.

All that is wrapped up into the context of growing surveillance and military capacities of the state. Anarchists and left radicals in czech since 2015 are facing widespread repression known as Operation Fénix, coming out of infiltration and entrapment terrorist case of police provocation inside of a group of anarchist individuals, fabricated case of an attack on the house of the Minister‘s of Defence and further charges for spreading certain anarchist propaganda.

What is the connection between repression, right-wing businessmen politicians and growing division of the society? How anarchists and other radicals can také their space in ongoing struggles and bring inspirative, fresh critique and action to challenge powers-that-be?


September 15, 2018
1:45 pm - 3:15 pm CEST


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