„Our enemies in blue“ with Kristian Williams

Salon – Zentralwerk Risaer Straße 32, Dresden, Sachsen, Germany

Sometimes things in our society can look as if they were always there. Take for example police. Today majority of the people living next to us can't imagine the world without police in our neighborhood. However it was not always like that. Kristian Williams, anarchist and author of Our Enemies in Blue and Fire the […]

Konzert Unicorn Partisans // Parallelklasse / DJs

Salon – Zentralwerk Risaer Straße 32, Dresden, Sachsen, Germany

Unicorn Partisans (website) glittering queer anarcha lyrics in German, English and Russian with lots of humor and irony, criticism and self-criticism … spoken, screamed and sung … accompanied and mixed to hard beats, distorted sounds and playful melodies. Danceable and with a big wink. punky and beautyful. Our first track “Take care of each other” […]

feministischer hackspace

Salon – Zentralwerk Risaer Straße 32, Dresden, Sachsen, Germany

intersectional queer feminist hackspace for trans, nonbinary, inter, lesbian and female people. we can help each other with encryption, linux, secure email messaging, tails, talk about our latest projects or our experiences in other hackspaces, and exchange stickers for our devices. do it together! no prior knowledge needed, but also very welcome. intersektionaler queer feministischer […]

Adbusting- Veränderte Werbung als Gesellschaftskritik?

Salon – Zentralwerk Risaer Straße 32, Dresden, Sachsen, Germany

Sexismus, Rassismus, Diskriminierungen. Dass diese beschissenen Phänomene innerhalb der Gesellschaft nichts neues sind, dürften Vielen bekannt sein. So ist es auch nicht verwunderlich, dass diese gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse auch in der Werbung reproduziert werden. Doch wie lassen sich diese verändern?- Adbusting ist eine Antwort! Was dies bedeutet, wie das funktoniert und sich schließlich radikale Kritik plakativ […]

Vortrag “How Technology helps to repress people in dictatorship on example of Belarus”@Zentralwerk

Salon – Zentralwerk Risaer Straße 32, Dresden, Sachsen, Germany

Snowden documents told not only the general public how horrible and dangerous surveillance is. It also gave a huge push for the capitalist market to weaponize surveillance. With more and more tools coming to the "market" available only to the state players, smaller authoritarian regimes got possibility to start using technology for surveillance and repressions […]

Palestine/Israel: Beyond the „Two State Solution“ with Uri Gordon

Salon – Zentralwerk Risaer Straße 32, Dresden, Sachsen, Germany

Uri Gordon will analyse the recent elections in Israel, new developments in the anti-occupation struggle, and the politics of solidarity with Palestinian and Jewish activists. Presentation followed by open discussion. Uri Gordon is an Israeli anarchist political theorist, activist and journalist. He is a teaching fellow at Durham University.

BOLSONARO IS AN ENVIRONMENTAL CATASTROPH!: How the rise of bolsonsarism culminate in the Burning of Amazon Forest

Salon – Zentralwerk Risaer Straße 32, Dresden, Sachsen, Germany

Bolsonaro is the most well know Face of brasilian Fascism and the so called “new right”. Although he is famous by his, lets say, bizzars declarations - what gave him the title of “The brasilian Trump” and a reputation of a crazy character - Bolsonaro is not just an excentric exception. On the contrary, he […]

Veranstaltung mit Kaffee, Kuchen und vielen Büchern „Anarchistisches Lesecafé“

TBA To be announced, Dresden, Germany

Egal ob du mit organisiert hast, die Veranstaltungen besucht hast, nur Heute Zeit hast, du einfach nur mal aus Interesse vorbeischauen willst oder schlicht und einfach Bock auf Kaffee und Kuchen mit lieben Leuten in angenehmen Ambiente hast, du bist willkommen! Los geht`s ab 12 Uhr. Wir werden für dich unsere Bücherschränke ausräumen und zeigen […]

KüfA & Kino „Confession of an Undercover Cop“

Malobeo Kamenzer Straße 38, Dresden, Germany

The inside story of Mark Kennedy, the police officer who lived a remarkable double life deep undercover, as environmental campaigner ‚Mark Stone‘. The most important single factor in any ‚orderly society‘ is predictability. Unless you are predictable, you are a threat. If you are part of a group, expect to be infiltrated. It doesn’t matter […]