Police repressions in the time of Coronavirus in Europe #25

With coronavirus shutting down different parts of the society and the state facing another crisis one of the institutions of power is on the rise. And we are talking about the police. When the attention of public is focused on survival, police institutions all around the world are making steps to make sure that we are coming out of this epidemic to the world of control and surveillance.

In this episode of Elephant in the Room we got together with friends from Spain and France to talk about the rise of authoritarian tendencies in their countries, political repression and where we are moving with this crisis.


Kronstadt – https://kronstadt-hip-hop.bandcamp.com/
Manu Haller – https://manuhaller.bandcamp.com/

Elephant in the room – authoritarian politics, anarchists and refugees in time of Coronavirus in Greece #15

In this edition of Elephant in the Room we spoke to our friend Michalis – anti-authoritarian activist from north of the country.

Coronavirus seems to provoke even bigger economical crisis than the one that started in 2009. The right wing government that came recently to power is pushing further the politics of Syriza on privatization and antisocial reforms. Meanwhile anarchists became the enemy number one for the greek state and right wing politicians.

We spoke to Michalis as well about situation or refugees in the country that are held in small isolated areas named by anarchists as „concentration camps“.

Taburo Bota
Villagers of ioannina city

Elephant in the room – conversation with anarchist from Belarus on politics in the country during coronavirus #13

In this edition of Elephant in the Room we are talking to a friend and comrade from Belarus, country that some call last dictatorship in Europe. Belarus is one of the few countries in the world that didn’t take quarantine measures against coronavirus. At the same time government was trying to prevent any information spread on COVID-19 in the country. With growth of the virus in society people started organizing by themselves to save community from virus and it’s aftermath.

Music: Iknow – https://iknow.bandcamp.com/

Elephant in the Room – Coronavirus in France #12

France is one of the leading countries in the world with amount of cases of COVID-19. The governmental response to the epidemic seems quite chaotic as in many other countries while the virus strikes hardest poorest communities in the country. We’ve invited a friend from Paris who came for couple of weeks to Dresden to talk about the current situation in the country and response to the crisis from different parts of population.

Collectif Mary Read – II

Anarchistische Blickwinkel zur Coromania- Die Fleischindustrie? Ein systemrelevanter Berufszweig?

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Es steht fest, die Tierindustrie nutzt die Corona Krise, um ihre Machtposition zu stärken, in dem sie z.B. sog. Tierschutzverordnungen und Kontrollregularien für Arbeiter*innen lockert bzw. aushebelt. Der Grund dafür ist ihr Status ein systemrelevanter Berufszweig zu sein. Die Preise sind in der gesamten Produktionskette massiv gefallen. Damit weiterhin Gewinne gemacht werden können, soll nun der Staat einspringen. Präsident Trump ordnet die weitere Produktion per Verordnung aus dem Jahre 1950 (anlässlich des Koreakriegs) an, um Industriebetriebe zur Herstellung bestimmter Produkte verpflichten zu können. Und Geschäftsführer von Müller Fleisch hält es für ausgeschlossen, dass die rekordverdächtigen Zahl von Corona-Erkrankungen unter seinen Mitarbeiter*innen mit seinem Geschäftsmodell zusammenhängt, also der Auslagerung von Arbeit an osteuropäische Billigarbeitskräfte und deren prekäre Unterbringung. Continue reading „Anarchistische Blickwinkel zur Coromania- Die Fleischindustrie? Ein systemrelevanter Berufszweig?“