Elephant in the Room #44 – No Borders Team about the developement at the polish-belarusian border

In this interview we are talking with people of the No Borders Team, an anarchist collective from Polans, about the situation at the polish-belarusian border in the past year.
The north-eastern European migration route experienced a devastating renaissance late summer of 2021. The monster of EU has in turn showed its ugly face yet again too. Politicians feeding the narrative of danger through migration, lining up with right-wing and conservative forces. Europe defends its wealth with all possible means and accepts the death of people without hesitation.

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FUNDRAISING/INFO TOUR: Anarchistische Kämpfe und staatliche Repression in Belarus

Veranstaltung in Dresden:

Dienstag, 25.10.22,
Essen ab 18 Uhr, Präsentation 18:30 Uhr
AZ Conni, Rudolf-Leonhard-Straße 39, 01097 Dresden

Die Veranstaltung wird in Englisch sein. Wir bemühen uns um Flüsterübersetzung.

Im Jahr 2020 erhob sich die belarussische Gesellschaft gegen die Diktatur von Alexander Lukaschenko und seinen Lakaien. Monatelang organisierten sich die Menschen, demonstrierten und kämpften für eine gerechte und freie Gesellschaft. Doch der Staat setzte sich durch und begann, den Protest Schritt für Schritt zu zerschlagen. Seit dem Beginn des Aufstandes sind mehr als zwei Jahre vergangen. Tausende landeten für viele Jahre im Gefängnis. Darunter auch Anarchist*innen und Antifaschist*innen, die mit der Bevölkerung auf der Straße standen. Trotz der langen Zeit, die seit den Protesten vergangen ist, geht der Staatsterror weiter, mit immer mehr Verhaftungen wegen der Teilnahme an den Protesten oder des anhaltenden Widerstands gegen das Regime.

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Elephant in the room # 40 – No one will be left alone – prisoner solidarity in Belarus

Banner from Minsk in 2021 : Freedom is born in struggle

ABC Belarus is calling urgently for donations to continue their support of the anarchist and antifascist prisoners in Belarus. Since the uprising in 2020 the repression keeps going and right now there are 30 Antifascists and Anarchists imprisoned. The number is growing. In this interview a member of the solidarity campaign is explaining the recent situation in Belarus in general, as well as the situation of imprisoned people, how the repression is continuing and why so much money is needed.

Fundraising campaign: https://www.firefund.net/abcbelarus
Website ABC-Belarus: abc-belarus.org

Elephant in the room #38 – Update on the situation at the polish-belarusian border

For many years the authoritarian regime of Lukashenko was providing the European Union with border security. The deal was simple – the dictator prevents refugees going through Belarus to the EU and gets money and training for the border guards in return. Despite sanctions from 2011 to 2015 Frontex was actively supporting and developing the Belarusian border regime.

At the end of 2020 the Situation changed. The EU imposed sanctions in response to the brutal repression of the uprising in Belarus against the dictatorship. Lukashenko, in turn, stopped protecting the borders. This created a new route to enter the EU. The conservative governments of Poland, Lithuania and Latvia introduced laws to legalize push backs and started militarizing the borders. Poland created a so-called restricted zone where nobody except residence, police and military is allowed.

Continue reading „Elephant in the room #38 – Update on the situation at the polish-belarusian border“

Elephant in the room #33 – Belarus – EU refugee war

For many years authoritarian regime of Lukashenko was providing EU with border security. The deal was simple – dictator prevents refugees going through Belarus to EU and for that get’s money and trainings for the border guards. Despite sanctions from 2011 to 2015 Frontex was actively supporting belarusian border regime.

Continue reading „Elephant in the room #33 – Belarus – EU refugee war“